웹 개발/jVectorMap
jVectorMap - World Map with custom marker tooltip
2013. 7. 15. 19:32
Sample Data
function numberFormatComma(n) { var reg = /(^[+-]?\d+)(\d{3})/; // 정규식 n += ''; // 숫자를 문자열로 변환 while (reg.test(n)){ n = n.replace(reg, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return n; } var countryData = []; //for each country, set the code and value $.each(data.countries, function() { countryData[this.code] = this.pGdp; }); var markers = [ { latLng : [ 41.90, 12.45 ], name : 'Vatican City', type : 'eu', style: {r: 15}, population : 800, url : 'http://www.vatican.va/phome_en.htm' }, { latLng : [ 48.856614, 2.352222 ], name : 'Paris', type : 'eu', population : 2229385, url : 'http://www.paris.fr/english' }, { latLng : [ 37.60, 127.00 ], name : 'Seoul', type : 'asia', population : 10442426, url : 'http://www.seoul.go.kr' } ]; var colors = []; for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { if (markers[i].type == 'eu') { colors[i] = 0; } else { colors[i] = 1; }; }; $(document).ready(function(){ // map $('#jvm_worldMap').vectorMap({ map : 'world_mill_en', series : { regions : [ { values : countryData, scale : [ '#C8EEFF', '#0071A4' ], // two colors: for minimum and maximum values normalizeFunction : 'polynomial' } ] , markers: [{ attribute: 'fill', scale: ['#1B77E0', '#E01B1B'], values: colors, min: 0, max: 1 }] }, //----------------------------------------------- // changed to onRegionLabelShow from onLabelShow //----------------------------------------------- onRegionLabelShow: function(e, el, code) { //search through data to find the selected country by it's code var country = $.grep(data.countries, function(obj, index) { return obj.code == code; })[0]; //snag the first one //only if selected country was found in dataC if (country != undefined) { el.html(el.html() + "
Code: " +country.code + "
Name: " + country.name + "
GDP/Person: $ " + numberFormatComma(country.pGdp)+ "
Population: "+ numberFormatComma(Math.round(Number(country.pop)/10000))+" 만명"); } } ,markerStyle : { initial : { fill : '#F8E23B', stroke : '#383f47' } }, markers : markers, onMarkerClick: function(events, index) { if(confirm('확인을 누르시면 홈페이지로 이동 합니다.')){ window.open(markers[index].url, markers[index].name); } }, onMarkerLabelShow: function(e, el, code) { var msg = ""+el.html()+""; var source = markers[code]; msg += "
population : "+numberFormatComma(source.population)+" 명"; el.html(msg); } }); });