웹 개발
Google Analytics Script API
2012. 3. 7. 15:46
출처 : http://jsdo.it/nomotch/rMoU
/** * */ //Load the Google data JavaScript client library. google.load('gdata', '2.x', {packages: ['analytics']}); //Load the Google Libraries jQuery and jQuery UI //google.load('jquery', '1.5.2'); //google.load('jqueryui', '1.8.12'); //Set the callback function when the library is ready. google.setOnLoadCallback(init); /** * This is called once the Google Data JavaScript library has been loaded. * It creates a new AnalyticsService object, adds a click handler to the * authentication button and updates the button text depending on the status. */ function init() { myService = new google.gdata.analytics.AnalyticsService('gaExportAPI_acctSample_v1.0'); scope = 'https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds'; // Add a click handler to the Authentication button. jQuery('#authButton').click( function() { // Test if the user is not authenticated. if (!google.accounts.user.checkLogin(scope)) { // Authenticate the user. google.accounts.user.login(scope); } else { // Log the user out. google.accounts.user.logout(); getStatus(); } }); getStatus(); } /** * Utility method to display the user controls if the user is * logged in. If user is logged in, get Account data and * get Report Data buttons are displayed. */ function getStatus() { jQuery('#getData').click(getAccountFeed); if (!google.accounts.user.checkLogin(scope)) { jQuery('#dataControls').css('display', 'none'); // hide control div jQuery('#authButton').html('Access Google Analytics'); } else { jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults({ showOn: 'both', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: 'http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/images/calendar.gif', buttonText: 'Calender', dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }, jQuery.datepicker.regional["ja"] ); jQuery(function(){jQuery('#startDate').datepicker()}); jQuery(function(){jQuery('#endDate').datepicker()}); jQuery('#dataControls').css('display', 'block'); // show control div jQuery('#authButton').html('Logout'); } } /** * Main method to get account data from the API. */ function getAccountFeed() { var myFeedUri = 'https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/accounts/default?max-results=50'; myService.getAccountFeed(myFeedUri, handleAccountFeed, handleError); } /** * Handle the account data returned by the Export API by constructing the inner parts * of an HTML table and inserting into the HTML file. * @param {object} result Parameter passed back from the feed handler. */ function handleAccountFeed(result) { // An array of analytics feed entries. var entries = result.feed.getEntries(); rows = new Array(); var table = jQuery('').attr('id', 'outputTable'); var header = jQuery('').attr('id', 'header').css('text-align', 'center'); header.append(''); header.append(''); header.append(''); header.append(''); table.append(header); jQuery('#outputDiv').append(table); // Iterate through the feed entries and add the data as table rows. for (var i = 0, entry; entry = entries[i]; ++i) { // Add a row in the HTML Table array for each value. var row = { 'profileId':entry.getPropertyValue('ga:profileId'), 'title':entry.getTitle().getText(), 'tableId':entry.getTableId().getValue() }; var tableId = entry.getTableId().getValue(); rows.push(row); } getDataFeed(); /* var data = jQuery('').attr('id', 'data'); data.append(''); table.append(data); jQuery('#outputDiv').append(table); getDataFeed(rows[1]['tableId']); */ } /** * Main method to get report data from the Export API. */ function getDataFeed() { for (var i = 0, row; row = rows[i]; ++i) { setTimeout( function(row) { var myFeedUri = 'https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data' + '?start-date=' + jQuery('#startDate').val() + '&end-date=' + jQuery('#endDate').val() + '&dimensions=ga:entrances' + '&metrics=ga:visits,ga:pageviews' + '&sort=-ga:pageviews' + '&max-results=10' + '&ids=' + row['tableId']; myService.getDataFeed(myFeedUri, handleDataFeed, handleError); }, 5000, row); } } /** * Handle the data returned by the Export API by constructing the * inner parts of an HTML table and inserting into the HTML File. * @param {object} result Parameter passed back from the feed handler. */ function handleDataFeed(result) { // An array of Analytics feed entries. var entries = result.feed.getEntries(); var title = result.feed.getDataSources()[0].getTableName().getValue(); console.log(title); // Iterate through the feed entries and add the data as table rows. for (var i = 0, entry; entry = entries[i]; ++i) { var data = jQuery('').attr('id', 'data'); data.append(''); data.append(''); data.append(''); data.append(''); jQuery('#outputTable').append(data); jQuery('td#num').css('text-align', 'center'); } } /** * Alert any errors that come from the API request. * @param {object} e The error object returned by the Analytics API. */ function handleError(e) { var error = 'There was an error!\n'; if (e.cause) { error += e.cause.status; } else { error.message; } alert(error); }
Profile Name | ga:month | ga:visits | ga:pageviews |
' + rows[1]['title'] + ' | |||
' + title + ' | ' + entry.getValueOf('ga:month') + ' | ' + entry.getValueOf('ga:visits') + ' | ' + entry.getValueOf('ga:pageviews') + ' |