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웹 개발

JSF - executePhase(RENDER_RESPONSE 6,com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl@1ae6456) threw exception

There is either a bug in the old JSF implementation or you configured the stuff the wrong way. First upgrade your JSF implementation to the latest available at their homepage (currently 1.2_10) and see if it solves the problem. If it doesn't, then please paste the new stacktrace here along with your faces-config.xml.

1.2 이전 버전에서 발견된 bug다.. 

2.0을 사용하면 될 것 같다.

'웹 개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

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XML에서 한글 읽어들이기.  (0) 2011.12.07
Tomcat console encoding.  (0) 2010.09.01
[Script] 특수문자 강제 치환.  (0) 2010.07.23
Apache error : client denied by server configuration  (0) 2010.03.31